
Triad AeroModelers Inc.

Our History and Club President



History of Triad AeroModelers Inc.

 Triad AeroModelers Inc. originally was named The Triad Aeromodelers Club when we began flying together as a club back in the early 1990's. Our original flying site was near Welcome, NC. A site that is now home to a manufacturing site. After losing that field in 1994, we were able to obtain use of a closed land fill site at the county land fill. We felt that we had obtained what would become a permanent site. We put a lot of effort into developing the land fill site and enjoyed its use for a couple of years. The bane of many model flying sites hit us with a vengeance in late 1996. A noise complaint was registered with the county commissioners by a neighbor. With little fanfare the commissioners canceled our lease and put an end to a very good site. This was almost the end of our flying club. Due to a core group of about twenty men who were determined to stay together in the enjoyment of our hobby, a site search was undertaken.

 The search was not a quick operation. We had people scouring the county for possible sites, newspaper articles were written, farmers were contacted. In early 1997 we found 18 acres of bottom land that we wanted to see if we could lease on an annual basis. When the owner was contacted, he would not lease. He had to sell the land rather quickly. The remaining club members got together and decided that we would somehow buy the land.

 To buy the land, it was decided that the club would incorporate and place the land in the corporation's name. This was the beginning of Triad AeroModelers Inc. (TAI). The down payment for the land was raised by all of the remaining members purchasing shares in the corporation. The shares were $100.00 apiece and everyone bought as many shares at the time as they could afford. The land was purchased in August of 1997 using the down payment raised through share sales and with the remaining mortgage money being provided via a loan from a member named Gene Crotts. Over the next several years we made monthly payments to Gene, and later his widow, until the land was paid for. During the next several years we leveled and cleared land to open up the acreage pretty much to what you see today. Around 2002 we had the opportunity to purchase an adjoining 8 acres which we still need to clear the trees from. Then in 2006 we purchased an additional four acres of land. So today we have a total of 30 acres of land, and our site is name the R.G. Satow – RC Flying Field.

 We have had a consistent membership of 45 to 55 members. These members over the years have been a very hard working group. There have had many flying field work days that, through the turnout of many members, have resulted in one of the finest RC flying sites that it has been my privilege to fly at. We own it, we love it, we developed it, we will continue to develop it, and we will continue to enjoy it for all of the foreseeable future.

 Triad AeroModelers Inc. is a non-profit incorporation in the state of North Carolina and a chartered Gold Leader Club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. TAI is organized and operated exclusively for pleasure and recreation; for the purpose of promoting Model Aviation as a hobby and worthwhile recreational activity in our community; and to allow for socialization among its members, families, and friends. We do not discriminate in terms of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, or disability. The purpose of TAI is to provide a forum to enjoy fellowship among members and friends, and to promote model aviation as a worthwhile recreational activity in the TRIAD area.

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Our Triad AeroModelers Inc. Club President

Mr. Mark Fansler


 Mark Fansler is our current Triad AeroModelers Inc. (TAI) president. Mark starting flying U-Controls in his early teens with Cox .049 engines advancing into larger aerobatic control lines with Fox .35 engines into his late teen years. He started flying RC in his early 20's around 1980 but then work life and marriage came along and he had to sideline his RC hobby. In the early 1990's he was working with two guys that flew RC and was able to fly a little for a couple of years but then better opportunities came along by changing jobs and he again had to put RC flying aside. In March 2008, at the Triad AeroModelers Annual Swap Meet, Mark met Bob Satow (our former club president). He now had the time to commit and enjoy RC as a hobby so he joined the club. Dan Myers, a now past member, worked with Mark for his solo flights (which by the way Dan made Mark solo in 10 mph winds with 25 mph gust)and signed off on Mark as an AMA approved RC Pilot. Since becoming a TAI member, Mark has served on the TAI Board of Directors, was the Club Treasurer from 2010 to 2020, tested and became an AMA Certified Contest Director (CD) and certified RC Pilot Trainer, is the Event Manager for the clubs annual Swap Meet since 2015 to present, became the acting TAI president after Bob Satow's passing in 2020 and accepted the position as the TAI Club present in 2021. Mark is a RC scratch builder with many scratch built planes such as his twin engine 35cc F7F Tigercat, Hanno Prettner Curare and Tiporare pattern planes powered by 1.15 4-stroke glow engines and loves to fly precision aerobatics with his Pilot ARF's 60cc gas Yak, 60cc gas 330 Extra or his 60cc gas Edge. Mark's other interest is he plays drums in the church's Praise Band and loves Carolina Basketball. Mark welcomes all people who are interested in flying RC to come visit our field. If you can't fly we will teach you how. He ask that you take note of one thing,

“Take off is Optional, Landing is Mandatory.”



R.G. Satow – RC Flying Field

 Our previous President Robert G. Satow (Bob) received a “District Service Award” from the AMA for his 25 years of service as our Club President. Only three such Service awards are given out district-wide (five states) yearly.

Bob will be deeply missed by all TAI members.


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Last Updated on 2/17/2024 5:04 PM