Jerry found this link. You can use it to find out if the field might be flooded.
Our field is 7 feet above the sensor. If the graph shows 7 feet the water in Abbott's Creek is level with our field.
If anyone has anything new they would like included in our Web Page please let us know.
You can email us by clicking here.
NOTE - You can view all images on this page in a “Spotlight Box” by simply clicking on any image.
Triad Aeromodelers, Inc. Facebook Page
Some of you may not be aware that there is a Triad Aeromodelers, Inc. Facebook Page which is maintained by John B., and it provides information about our club and flying field to those in the “Facebook World.” To visit his site, simply click on this link: TAI Facebook Page. Next time you see John at the flying field, tell him thanks for all his time in making this a great club. The link has also been added to our “Links” web page.
TAI Work Crew at it Again!
The two pictures below were taken at the flying field on 1-22-2024 of the mighty TAI work crew doing some spring cleanup. Following the storms which dropped enough water to raise Abbotts Creek to a depth of 12 feet above the flying field, we had several downed trees to clean up and a reset of all the picnic and flying tables. My thanks again to Richard, Mario, Rob, and Fred for coming out to help me on my scheduled flying field maintenance week.
Found Some Old Photos
While searching on a PC for images to start a new stained glass project, we ran across these old photos taken when TAI held an IMAC event back in 2018. Figured w would post them here over the next month so you could see some real nice RC models.
TAI Members at R.G. Satow RC Flying Field
The pictures below show several TAI members at the flying field on 14 Nov 2023. The weather was great for Nov, the field conditions were good and everyone flew without any issues. All planes went home in one piece! Gary and Rob are searching for lost hardware.
David's New Addition!
Seen here is David with his latest plane. I'm pretty sure it's an Extra 300. Look at that smile! I'm told the model is a stunner and flies like a beast. Picture turned out great and was submitted by Rob.
Michael B's Big Yak
Seen here is Mike with his latest plane. A Pilot 107″ Yak 54 (approx. 35% scale) powered by a DLE 111 twin, and uses a Smooth Flight 16 flight controller. Mike says he has a lot of time in figuring out the SF16 controller/gyro.
One big and beautiful machine there Mike!
3D Printing Progress from Michael B
Latest update from Mike on his new 3D printed model. In the pic to the left, he still has to print the motor mount, control surfaces, and a few other things, but the printing is almost over. By the time it is done, there will be somewhere over 90 hours of print time. The center section of the wing took the longest at 16.5 hours.
For this build he's used one spool of lightweight filament $45 (it used almost the whole 800 gram spool). About $40 of carbon fiber rods and tubes used (about $75 worth purchased but only because he had to buy in bulk). Motor, servos, ESC and receiver he already has.
The two pics to the right show his the final model. Mike says the fully 3D printed plane flies well, is fairly quick on a 3S LiPo, and it will easily glide the length of the runway so it takes a few tries to bleed the speed off enough to land. The pink is easy to see so that is a plus too. Looking good Mike.
R.G. Satow RC Flying Field Work Day on 19 August 2023
Check out these fine hard working gents continuing our field improvements! While little grass seed may actually grow in the August heat, breaking up the newly applied and already as hard as concrete dirt by hand raking it, did level it out a bit. We raked and raked, seeded and fertilized. The straw, (not hay as Danny schooled me on!), will keep the dust down and make the mud more manageable in higher traffic areas by the parking lot. Many thanks to Fred, Gary, Danny and Mario for pounding dirt with the best of 'em this morning! Give these guys a round of applause, not to mention Gordon and Willy for getting the Gordon's Kubota to the field earlier to break the big pile down and spread it with the bucket.
“Fred's Juice Bar”
Because of some AWESOME support from Fred T. our club now has a fully functional 12 volt charging station on the outside of the upper storage building on the South wall. Just attach your charger to the metal bars using alligator clips and charge away. Next time you see Fred at the flying field tell him thanks!
New Addition to Robs Squadron
Here is the latest Warbird addition to Rob W.'s squadron. It's an FMS 1400mm (56″ wing span) Curtis P-40B Tomahawk Flying Tiger. The Flying Tiger played an important role and had a brilliant record in China during WWII. The P-40B Tomahawk, represented in this scale model airplane, was active between 1941 and 1943. This rugged “B” variant featured twin nose guns (50-cal.), 4 wing guns (30-cal.), an armored windscreen and a partially protected fuel tank. A total of 28 nation air forces used P-40 variants, and an astounding 13,738 were built by the time production ceased in November of 1944.
With a fleet of about sixty P-40B Tomahawks, the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) was assigned to defend China against Japanese forces during World War II. Known as the “Flying Tigers”, this unit had one of the most recognizable airplanes of the era due to the large shark face painted on the front of the fuselage. The three squadrons of this American unit also carried the 12-point sun Chinese Air Force markings. It's interesting to note that under contract with the Chinese government, members of the AVG had lucrative salaries that were often triple their earnings from the US forces. In the real battleground, P-40s were not as devastating as P-51s. However, in the RC model world, the FMS P-40 shows extraordinary talents. The stable flying performance could rival any of the other war birds. Really a great looking model Rob!
R.G. Satow Flying Field Work Day on 8 July 2023
We had a good turnout of members to help get the new Bermuda grass seed and fertilizer spread on the entire flying field, and then all of it was rolled “real smooth” using a nice new big toy. We also burned and cleaned up the burn pile. “Thank you” to all that came out and helped.
Are We Ready for July 4th or Not?
Well Rob is ready as you can see from the picture to the right. Some really nice graphics work there old man.
Rob's Mello-Yello
Rob purchased this plane at the Swap Meet. He says it will be fast.
Fred Towler's Spotted Owl
Fred saw this Owl EDF when he was visiting his old club. It belongs to Gary Eaton of Green Mountain RC Club in Essex Junction, VT. It is 3D printed with about a five foot wing span. Gary says it files well but floats if windy.
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Stephen Maulden shared the picture to the left. He built this wall mounted rack over the holiday. It will be added it to the Photo Pages and put in the random display table. Thanks Stephen for the picture. |
Fred Towler was showing Rob Watson how to set the Motor Brake on the ESC of his hand launch model. Rob thought all those new to electric R/C's might want to know about this great way to help control the number of broker prop's during belly landings. Fred said not all ESC are set the same way but most have this option somewhere in the setup manual. Fred was nice enough to find this video about setting Motor Brakes on ESC's for us. Another great tip - Thanks Fred! |
Stephen also sent us this email and a link to a very interesting interview with Tom Riley. I visited Florida this past Thanksgiving. We were there a few days in Titusville, home of the Kennedy Space Center. Chrisie, my fiancé told me about the War bird Museum based in Titusville. We visited and while there, I saw a man I thought I recognized and shortly after I saw the P-82 (Twin Mustang). I knew right away the man I recognized was Tom Riley, known for restoring WW2 bombers. The P-82 is a restoration Tom and his team completed and is the only one still flying today. It was amazing to see the plane completely restored, like stepping back in time. Tom is an interesting guy to talk to and is always willing and ready to talk about restoring the P-82. I learned a lot while there. Tom does take the plane to various air shows throughout the year as well. I thought you might want to post this on our site in case any members find themselves in Titusville Florida and would like to see a unique piece of history. It's a great interview and you can find it here
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Mark has a new YAK 60. He did the maiden flight a couple of Sunday's ago. David Holt was there and captured these photos for us. Thanks Dave |
So what did you do during Ian 10/01/2022 ? |
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Mark Fansler sent us some information this month in the form of a couple of PDF documents from Peter Goldsmith about trimming your airplanes. I have put them in the download section of our web site and they will always be available in a download link on the 'Old Stuff' page. Mark gave me a copy of the trim chart 4-5 years ago and I've always kept it under the seat of my truck. It will really be nice to have a copy without scotch tape, staples and duck tape holding it together. Thanks Mark! Click these links to download the Document and/or theTrim Chart. |
Good Reading Flying with flaps, what you need to know by Gerry Yarrish Let’s talk fuel lines by John Glezellis Making Hatches |
Do you need a new way to store or transport your planes Model Aviation Jan 2022 Article by Ed Smetak. Pictures and plans are here on the AMA web site. |
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Family Day 2021 I have only received one picture and one movie so far for Family Day. Chuck Spencer provided these. Thanks Chuck |
Mark Fansler has found a new tool for us to use. It's a table of Enya, Magnum, OS, RCV, Saito, Thunder Tiger, and YS engine thread sizes. Check it out on the Tech Page
Lanzo Record Breaker |
This is a great flier. I’ve had her for 42 years. Got a few flights in yesterday afternoon as thunderstorms threatened. Had to have been 90 degrees and 100% humidity, but low wind. ~Rob Watson |
May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain and tea beside the fire Laughter to cheer you Those you love near you and all your heart might desire. We miss you David. |
TAI Members, It is once again with a heavy heart to tell you of the passing of another TAI Member. David Thomason passed late yesterday evening, a little before midnight. In speaking to Seth, David was at peace and surrounded by his family at his time of passing. David was able to visit the field one last time this past Thursday which he enjoyed. He was a great RC pilot, worked hard at the field for our club, a good friend and cooked the best Hot Dogs we have ever had. David will be missed greatly!! Please keep Seth and all his family in your prayers during their time of loss. Mark Fansler |
I will tell you exactly what we are doing here. We started by satisfying a long seated urge to learn about airplanes and everything connected to them. But after we learned about flying our models we really got hooked and wanted to learn to fly all kinds of planes and maneuvers. In doing so we talked about doing these things with other club members and without realizing it we made many new friends. Friends want to share their joys so here we are doing exactly that. Bob Satow |
Roger Wood Landing Tuesday May 8, 2018 Today those of us lucky enough to be at the field saw Roger Wood Land his plane and park it just as you see it here sitting under Bob's 330. It was very gusty Tuesday and when Roger was half way down the runway it sounded like he cut the power just a couple of feet off the grass, as he did the wind took his plane up and barrel rolled it over the infield. As Roger avoided everyone and tried to pull back up heading across the runway the wind started to loop the plane back towards the parking area so Roger again cut the power and as the plane leveled off and settled to the ground it was stopped in its forward motion by the wind setting on the right wing tip in a slightly nose down position. When the plane settle on the ground and the wheels touched, the prop struck the ground and kicked the plane back a few inches just as the tail wheel hit and pushed Roger's wing under the 330's horizontal stabilizer. We all walked over together and I took this picture before the planes were moved. The planes never touched each other and I don't think either was damaged. That is how I saw it but you should ask Roger for a better description. I think Bob had his eyes closed during the last loop but he had a better view up until then than I did. Great job Roger and thanks for the thrill. |
Dan Voyles Balancer This balancer started out as just a box to set on my airplane work table to extend my table saw when cutting long boards or plywood. I then added 4 slotted blocks to the sides of the box, below the surface, so I could still use it for a tables saw extender but also as a frame to balance larger planes. When I finally finished building my 72" WACO biplane I realized the wings were too wide front to back to fit into the current frames. So I had to build new heavier frames and this time I wanted to make it more adjustable. In the bottom picture you can see the block I’m holding has three holes to move the pin in and out. The pins have ball joints on the top so the balance pads from my Great Planes Balancer will snap right onto it. The blocks on each side can move the entire length of the 36” frame. The blocks can also be replaced with longer or shorter blocks depending on the width of the fuselage of the plane. This balancer can handle planes of any size up to 34” wide wings of any span and a fuselage up to 20" wide of any length. I wouldn’t put more than a 30-40 pound plane on it unless I changed the pins out to something of a larger diameter. It’s here if anyone needs to use it. |
It is the soldier, not the President,who gives us democracy, It is the soldier, not the Congress, who takes care of us. It is the soldier, not the Reporter,who has given us Freedom of Press. It is the soldier, not the Poet, who has given us Freedom of Speech. It is the soldier, not the campus Organizer, who has given us the Freedom to Demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag; who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, that allows the protester to burn the flag. Father Dennis O'Brien, US Marine Corp. Chaplain
At least someone gets to fly off the field when it's flooded.
Click the image to blow it up and you can see the frequency pin box and the sea gulls. |
Last Updated on 2/20/2024 5:48 AM