RC Flying Field Safety at R.G. Satow RC Flying Field
RC flying field safety is a subject that all TAI members take seriously. This web page contains links to documentation and videos for your review to ensure that you are not only aware of the safety requirements for R.G. Satow RC Flying Field, but also help to ensure your RC flying enjoyment remains just that.
If you want to fly RC drones or RC model aircraft for fun:
• You must be flying within the programming of a community-based organization such as the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and label your RC models with your AMA membership number. (Required by AMA)
• Register with the FAA at FAA Drone Zone and label your RC models with your FAA registration number. (Required by Federal Law)
• Take the The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) and carry proof of test passage. (Required by Federal Law)
The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) provides a wealth of resources to help model aircraft enthusiasts fly safely. They have a comprehensive safety program that includes a safety handbook, educational resources, and a safety video playlist. The AMA playlist of 22 safety videos is on YouTube and covers a range of topics, including drone safety awareness, night operations, LiPo battery basics, ammunition can storage, and more. You can view these videos by clicking on the image below.
In addition to the videos, there are many documents available that you should take some time to review and fully understand your responsibilities at any RC flying field. Below is just a sample of the information available to you. Simply click on any link to review this material.
Do you know of other safety related info or videos that you feel others would find interesting or helpful? Please let us know and we will add it to our Safety Buzz web page. Just send the new info or website link in an email to Safety Buzz Addition
TAI Members Inputs on RC Flying Safety Reminders
This section is for TAI members to provide other RC flyers some basic “RC Flying Safety Reminders” based on their personal experiences. If you would like to add an input, please let us know.
The first input we received deals with RC airplane propellers. Your RC model airplanes most dangerous part is its propeller. Even the smaller park flyer propellers can cause significant damage. In the full-size aviation world, they assume that the propeller can turn at any moment. This is a great approach to dealing with your RC model airplane as well.
Last Updated on 2/20/2024 9:02 AM
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