
Boy Scout Troop #703

Aviation Merit Badge Weekend



Boy Scout Troop #703
Friedberg Moravian Church
Winston-Salem, NC

J. Millard J. Crawford J. Hill

J. Craver L. Crawford D. Dooley
D. Gonzales E. Johnson D. Lambeth
P. Millard J. Ochoa M. Philyaw
D. Randleman M. Vestal  

 Troop 703 from Friedberg Moravian Church, Winston-Salem, NC was a guest at our field on October 22, 2011 for a great day of training and flying. After an hour or so of basic aeronautic principles and flight characteristics, the Scouts tried their hand at unpowered flight. The gliders were purchased by the club at a cost of $37.50. After the Scouts spent some time flying the gliders, we had a demonstration by several members on different types of RC planes including our very own IMAC National Champion competitor Jerry Hailey. Jerry finished 2nd in the National Championship in the Sportsman division while competing in Muncie, Indiana. John Conklin and Ricky Watkins then demonstrated some really fancy 3D flying that everyone enjoyed. They were followed by Roger Crook and our President Bob Satow. Bob pulled Roger’s 2 meter Glider up with his tow plane. I heard one of the Scouts say that he wanted to use that glider for the contest. After the demonstrations, the Scouts were involved in several contests using the gliders and the principles they learned during the morning class to test their skills. After the contest we spent some time playing with the gliders then had lunch. The lunch was provided by the Scouts and was a real treat for all of us. Most of the members are accustomed to having cold lunch meat sandwiches when we are at the field. The hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade cobbler were great!  The Scouts were then treated to flying some of the members planes equipped with buddy boxes. The buddy boxes allowed the Scouts to fly the RC planes while the members maintained a safety margin by simply switching control back and forth between their transmitter and the buddy box transmitter. After everyone had a chance to fly including some of the leaders it was time for the boys to get back on the bus and return to Winston. This was the second time this year we have had a Boy Scout troop at our field and the members enjoyed the day almost as much as the Scouts and leaders. The overall experience allowed the Scouts to earn their Aviation Merit Badges. We look forward to doing this again in the future.


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Last Updated on 12/14/2023 5:30 AM